About Us


Live Forever Academy is a Personal Growth & Transformation Company founded in 2017.

Live Forever Academy caters to the needs of students, Individuals and companies through its Training, Coaching and Mentoring segments.

Since 2017, Live Forever Academy has trained 10000+ Students and Professionals marking its presence in 45+ Degree and Engineering Colleges and 15+ Business Organizations and Associations across Telangana, Uttarakhand, Karnataka and USA. And 500+ Government Officials on Workplace Ethics and Soft Skills focusing on increase in Work Efficiency and Productivity.

Live Forever Academy also carries International Accreditations and Certifications creates an impact on each of its Seminars, Workshops, Online webinars, Training Sessions, Coaching and Mentoring Hours.

Live Forever Academy’s approach as a leading company is to CONNECT, EQUIP, EMPOWER and make a lasting IMPACT on every individual’s life. Our Mission is to transform an individual into Leaders and Leaders into Role Models.

Live Forever Academy team are now officially recognized as ICF Trainers and Observers also. They provide extensive training of ICF Approved Courses and follow ICF approved Curriculum to train to attain Coach Federation credentials like Associate Certified Coach (ICF ACC).


Our Team

Naveen Solomon

DV Naveen Solomon
ICF ACC Leadership Coach
ICF Trainer with DACI, Dubai
NLP Master Trainer

Vijaya Bhavana

ICF ACC Business & Career Coach
ICF Observer at DACI, Dubai
NLP Master Trainer

About our services

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Individuals Trained
Training Hours
Coaching hours
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